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Programming/Java, Spring

[Java 기초문법] 스프링 시작하기 from start.spring.io to first running

by Renechoi 2022. 10. 22.

[Java 기초문법] by Professional Java Developer Career Starter: Java Foundations @ Udemy



First let's go to this webpage. 




With this littel wizard here, will generate a mostly empty project that contains all of the add on spring framework projects that we need, with providing a downloadable zip file. 


metadata could be like this 




Spring Boot DevTools : shows changing that take simultaneously on browser 


Lombok : that implements a very similar set of capabilities for traditonal classes rather than records, giving us annotations that we can place on our class. Wtih Lombok we get the ability to aovid having to write out all of that boilerplate code, and also the instances of our classes don't have to be final. 


Spring Web : Using MVC 




Spring Data JPA : will enable us to interact with a relational database without having to write much code at all. 


H2 Database 


Validation : say that someone has to enter their first name, and they leave that field blank, and we want them to be stopped with a feedback, this validation framework will give us the method for that. 





and generate a zip file and then download it, and open it with Intellij, which leads following project. 




Here html file is not set, error follows at localhost:8080



So let's make the html file. 





now local host shows Hello world text. 





















